Az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár szamizdat-gyűjteménye
Securitatea. Notă cu recompensele materiale oferite unor ...
“Sacred Duty,” Keston Digital Archive, anti-religious pro...
Goma, Paul. Lista semnatarilor scrisorii de protest contr...
Ivan Blatný Collection at the Museum of Czech Literature
Kolekcja Solidarności w Bibliotece Brytyjskiej
Ştefan Gane Collection at IICCMER
Charter 77, n. d. [original: 1977]. Print copy
Raţiu, Ion. The Drafts of the 1977 Memorandum, in English...
Charta 77, 1. 1. 1977
Cultele neoprotestante și drepturile omului în România [c...
Information on Radoy Ralin and Boris Dimovski
Predstava Jedan dan u životu Ignaca Goloba. 1977. Novinsk...
Gordana Vnuk Personal Collection
Az 1977. évi templomépítési engedély
Konrád György: A városalapító
Záchrana pozůstalosti Jana Patočky (1977)
Data Sheets on Windmills from Enisala, Dunavăţ, Frecăţei ...
Paul Goma - Arhivă Privată
Fond Charta 77 Československého dokumentačního střediska
Molnár Gergely és Rész István: Anna Frank Emlékest (Spion...
Autor necunoscut. Manifest pentru eliberarea lui Goma din...
Group of Six Artists
Securitate. Plan of Action against Goma and his supporter...
Helle Mária tipográfus csatlakozik a Mozgó Világ szerkesz...
Jan Patočka and Max van der Stoel - audio recording of me...
Securitate. Chart and Statistical Data on Goma Movement N...
Goma, Paul. Scrisoare către Nicolae Ceaușescu, februarie ...
N.P. 1977; S 8 mm, camera Jovan Čekić
Zapuščina nadškofa Alojzija Šuštarja
The Records of the Presbytery Meetings of the Honterus Ev...
Mihnea Berindei - Colecția de la Arhivele Naționale Iași ...
File (dossier) concerning the case of Vasile Paraschiv (i...
Theatre Gardzienice Collection
Mića Popović - The Scenes Painting