szűrők ˆ

Securitate. Plan of Action against Goma and his supporters at RFE and in the Romanian emigration, 17 March 1977


Források nyelve

  • Román

Alkotás ideje

  • 1977


  • ACNSAS, Informative Fonds, File I 2217/6, f. 109-112.


  • Source: CNSAS Archives

Kapcsolódó gyűjtemény

A bejegyzés szerzői

  • Petrescu, Cristina


ACNSAS, Informative Fonds, File I 2217/6.

Goma, Paul. 2005. Culoarea Curcubeului ’77: Cod ‘Bărbosul’ (The colour of the rainbow ’77: Codename ‘Bearded man). Iași: Polirom.    

The Associated Press. 2009. “Gen. Nicolae Plesita, Head of Romania’s Spy Service, Dies at 80.” New York Times, 30 September. Accessed April 5, 2017.

Petrescu, Dragoș, interview by Pătrăşconiu, Cristian Valeriu , October 11, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-01-15 16:18:34