szűrők ˆ

Arsenie Platon. Anti-Soviet Poems and Draft Leaflets. 1959-61. Manuscripts (in Romanian and Russian)


Források nyelve

  • Orosz
  • Román


Alkotás ideje

  • 1961


  • Source: Archive of the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova

    Photo by Igor Cașu

A bejegyzés szerzői

  • Cusco, Andrei


Cașu, Igor. 2011. ”Arhivele comunismului. Basarabean trimis în lagăr de ruși pentru versuri pro-românești: ”Cu frații mei românmi la luptă să pornesc!” (Archives of Communism: A Bessarabian sent to a labour camp by the Russians for his pro-Romanian poems). Adevă, 22 March. Accessed December 11, 2017. 

Cașu, Igor , interview by Cușco, Andrei, December 04, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-01-22 16:13:39