szűrők ˆ

Feature Film: Chelovek idet za solntsem / Omul merge după soare (Man Follows the Sun), directed by Mikhail Kalik, 1961, in Russian

Cover of the AOSPRM file on the First Congress of the MUC (2-3 October 1962)


Források nyelve

  • Orosz

Alkotás ideje

  • 1962


  • Source:

A bejegyzés szerzői

  • Cusco, Andrei


Fruchtman, Lev. 2012. "Ia rodilsia svobodnym chelovekom..." (Zametki o tvorchestve kinorezhissera Mikhaila Kalika)" ("I was born a free man" (Notes on the creative career of the film director Mikhail Kalik)., January. Accessed November 11, 2017.

Negură, Petru, interview by Cușco, Andrei, November 02, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-01-22 16:20:49