Libera’s International Debut on the „Bakunin in Dresden” Collective Exhibition
„Bakunin in Dresden” was a collective exhibition presenting Polish contemporary art to the German-speaking audiences, just after the breakthrough of the year 1989.
It was curated by Ewa Mikina and was shown in Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Arnheim in Germany as well as in Linz in Austria.
It was commented as a „one of the seminal groundbreaking exhibitions in Polish art” (e.g. on the website of Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw).
Besides Zbigniew Libera, the artists on display included Zofia Kulik, Jolanta Ciesielska, Przemysław Kwiek, Ewa Partum, Jacek Rydecki and Jerzy Truszkowski.
Libera attended the opening of the exhibition in Hamburg with a VHS camera. The recording from that event is published online in the Filmoteka of Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.
Bakunin in Dresden, description of the video recording by Zbigniew Libera, Filmoteka of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Bakunin in Dresden, description of the video recording by Zbigniew Libera, Filmoteka of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
2019-03-05 12:09:37