The collection contains various publications that were published by the illegal press of Krumpholc, and short overviews about acquisitions of the collection. Some of these samizdats were published periodically, e.g. Informace o Chartě 77 [Information about Charter 77], Informace o církvi [Information about the Church] both from years 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. Other items include translations from foreign samizdats dealing with different topics: samizdat Psychologie smrti [Psychology of death] (1980) deals with the event of death in Christianity and with after-death experiences: other samizdats include Další problémy související s regulací populace [Further problems concerning the regulation of population] (1987), Medicínské a morální aspekty umělého oplodnění [Medical and moral aspects of artificial insemination], and a translation of the lecture Výchova dieťaťa k meditácii [The child’s training in meditation].
Unordered Slovak samizdats are: Bratislavské listy [Bratislava Papers] (1989), Desaťročie duchovnej obnovy národa [Decade of spiritual restoration of the nation] (1987), Velehrad (1989), Boží ľud vo svete [God’s People in the World] (1986), Všetko, čo som postavil Márii [Mary, the mother of the Lord] (1985, 1989), Spomienky pútnika [Memories of the pilgrim], Katolícky mesačník [Catholic Monthly] (1988-1989), Vojna a svedomie [War and conscience], Ako meditovať [How to meditate], Vznik a vývoj sveta [The origin and evolution of the world], Mariánska hora v Levoči [Marian Mountain in Levoča], Úzkou bránou [Through the narrow gate], Orientácie [Orientations] (1973 - 1985), Nové Turíce s Máriou [New Pentecost with Mary] (1988 - 1989), and Historický zápisník [Historical notebook] (1986 - 1987).