szűrők ˆ

Procesele verbale ale Prezbiteriului parohiei evanghelice Honterus din Braşov, 1977–1983. Dosar


Források nyelve

  • Német

Alkotás ideje

  • 1977


  • Presbyterium Protokolle 24 /1977–1983.

A bejegyzés szerzői

  • Pintilescu, Corneliu


Black Church Archives and Library, Presbyterium Protokolle 24 /1977–1983.

Panaitescu, Alexandru. 2012. De la Casa Scânteii la Casa Poporului: Patru decenii de arhitectură în Bucureşti, 1945–1989 (From the House of the Spark to the House of the People: four decades of architecture in city of Bucharest, 1945–1989). Bucharest: Simetria.


Șindilariu, Thomas , interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, July 26, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2017-12-04 22:11:43